7 Best Bodyweight Exercises for Women Without Gym Equipment

Squats: Strengthen your lower body and core by squatting, keeping your back straight and lowering your hips towards the ground.

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Lunges: Target your legs and glutes with forward or reverse lunges, maintaining proper form with each step.

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Push-ups: Build upper body strength with traditional push-ups or modified versions on your knees, focusing on keeping your body in a straight line.

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Squats: Strengthen your lower body and core by squatting, keeping your back straight and lowering your hips towards the ground.

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Glute Bridges: Tone and strengthen your glutes and hamstrings by lifting your hips towards the ceiling while lying on your back, squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement.

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Tricep Dips: Work your triceps and shoulders by performing dips using a sturdy chair or bench, lowering your body down and then pushing back up.

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Mountain Climbers: Elevate your heart rate and engage your core with mountain climbers, alternating bringing your knees towards your chest in a plank position.

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