7 High Fiber Breakfast Ideas To Start Your Day Right

Overnight Oats

Prepare a mixture of oats, chia seeds, almond milk, and your favorite fruits. Let it sit in the fridge overnight, and enjoy a delicious and fiber-rich breakfast in the morning.

Smoothie Bowl

Blend together spinach, kale, banana, berries, and a scoop of fiber-rich seeds like flaxseed or hemp seeds. Top it with nuts, seeds, and granola for added crunch and texture.

Avocado Toast

Spread mashed avocado on whole-grain toast and sprinkle with hemp seeds or chia seeds for an extra fiber boost. Add sliced tomatoes, a poached egg, or smoked salmon for additional flavor.

Chia Pudding

Mix chia seeds with your choice of milk (such as almond milk or coconut milk) and a sweetener like honey or maple syrup. Let it sit in the fridge until it thickens, then top with fresh fruit and nuts.

Fruit and Yogurt Parfait

Layer Greek yogurt with sliced fruits like berries, kiwi, and banana, as well as high-fiber granola or oats. Drizzle with honey or maple syrup for sweetness.

Whole Grain Pancakes or Waffles

Make pancakes or waffles using whole grain flour or a mix of whole wheat and almond flour. Serve with fresh fruit and a drizzle of pure maple syrup or nut butter.

Vegetable Omelette

Whip up an omelette using eggs and your favorite vegetables, such as spinach, bell peppers, onions, and mushrooms. Serve with a side of whole grain toast for added fiber.