8 Great Tips on How to Start Your Organic Seeds

Attempt to avoid being in a rush. You have to make sure that the timing of each harvest is executed perfectly.

Don’t be in a rush.

Avoid cheap seed; purchase fresh if necessary. Consider the average viability (in years) of a leftover seed and how well you cared for it. Seed is alive (unless if put in a hot, humid garage all summer).

Don’t be cheap;

Use high-quality potting soil; many kinds, particularly for little seeds, may be too gritty. You're better off with a brand-new bag of sterile medium marked "seed-starting mix" or "germination mix."

Don’t use just any old potting soil;

Tidiness matters. If you choose not to use bleach, you should still wash flats, trays, cells, and pots with hot, soapy water or a diluted bleach solution (1:10 bleach:water).

Cleanliness counts.

Before placing in flats or cells, lightly wet the mix to remove powdered particles. Just wet enough to relieve the pain—not sodden! Indoors, run water from the kitchen-sink sprayer into the bag, massage and spin it, and repeat many times.

Do pre-moisten the mix before putting in flats or cells

Create a 70F “germination chamber” using bottom heat from a germinating mat and a dome cover or plastic wrap.

Do use bottom heat

Take your time transplanting warm-season vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants. No good comes from making them tremble before the weather calms, and much may be missed in stormy spring weather.

Don’t rush to transplant

Plan succession sowings of various crops, sowing just a small row every two weeks and avoiding 40 lettuce servings or 10 pounds of green beans in one day. Repeat planting crops like peas at both chilly ends of the season.

Do plan for succession sowings of many crops