8 Scary and Creepy Facts About Death and Horror

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Yellow Star

A Human Head Remains Conscious For Around 20 Seconds After Being Decapitated.

It is likely contemplating, "This situation is peculiar."

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Yellow Star

A Body Decomposes Four Times Faster In Water Than On Land.

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Yellow Star

Within Three Days Of Death, The Enzymes From Your Digestive System Begin To Digest Your Body.

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Yellow Star

About 153,000 People Worldwide Die Every Day.

However, approximately twice as many babies are born each day. Hello, population problem.

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Yellow Star

 When A Person Dies, Their Sense Of Hearing Is The Last To Go.

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You Can t Die Of Old Age , Only From Diseases Brought On By Age.

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Men Who Are Hanged Get A Death Erection, Known As Rigor Erectus

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In Some Cases, Bodies Develop A Corpse Wax That Can Preserve The Remains For Years.