8 Tips to Improve Your Cat's Diet

Choose Canned Food Over Kibble

Only carnivorous cats can consume meat to be healthy. Wet food meets their requirements better. Kibble has too much carbs and too little animal protein and water. High-quality canned food will reduce vet expenditures over time.

Choose Balanced Food

Learn to read cat food labels. Look for an AAFCO declaration declaring that the food is full and balanced and satisfies cats' nutritional needs.

Careful with Homemade Foods

If you cook for your cat, consult your vet about a healthy diet. Foods you purchase include the nutrients your cat requires, thus homemade food is unlikely to suit all of its demands. For a healthy diet, your vet may recommend vitamins, supplements.

Pay Attention to Your Cat’s Specific Needs

If your cat has health issues, your vet may suggest certain meals or supplements. Keep your cat healthy by managing its condition.

Avoid Foods Toxic to Cats

You may want to offer your cat some of your goodies without understanding some are poisonous. Do not give your cat chocolate, coffee, dairy, grapes, raisins, onions, garlic, chives, or yeast dough. 

The Amount and Frequency of Feeding

Wild cats must hunt multiple times a day to keep healthy. To match their natural routines, give them often short meals. Feeding your cat depends on age, size, and activity. 

Keep Your Cat at an Ideal Weight

Cats with obesity are at risk for cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, joint problems, and more. Consult your vet about cat weight management.

Transition to New Foods Gradually

Transition to new cat food slowly. Stomach distress and diarrhea may result from rapid food changes. Talk to your vet about safely switching your cat's diet.