8 Tips to Take Care of Any Type of Hair for Women

Washing your hair frequently removes debris and oil from your scalp and hair. Correct frequency depends on hair type and personal preferences. 

Wash Your Hair Regularly

You can regulate your shampoo, but not all environmental variables that damage your hair. 

Use Chemical Free Shampoos

Conditioner makes hair straight and manageable. It shields hair from heat and environmental damage.

Condition Correctly

Blow drying gives you celebrity-quality hair. Too much heat styling might damage your scalp—style only for major events. 

Dry Your Hair Naturally

Pre-shampoo therapies like oiling and massaging stimulate scalp blood circulation, relax muscles, shine hair, and feed it.

Oil Your Hair Properly

Wet hair is delicate and breaks easily. Brush your hair with a wide-toothed comb when it dries. This comb protects hair.

Use A Wide-toothed Comb

Who doesn't love those lovely curls or waves? You can do these without heating your hair. 

Style Your Hair Naturally

Hair damage from heat styling, pollution, smoking, stress, etc. causes split ends. 

Trim Your Hair Regularly