Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

9 Best HIIT Cardio Workout for Weight Loss

Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

1. Burpees

It is a two-part exercise that involves a push-up, followed by a leap in the air. Although burpees engage all the muscles in your body, it mainly targets the calves, chest, triceps, shoulder, biceps, glutes, and lats.

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Floral Pattern

2. High Knees

This one is another easy exercise with no requirement for training equipment. High knees help strengthen leg muscles while increasing your heartbeat, which further improves coordination and flexibility in the body.

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Floral Pattern

3. Lunge Jumps

A more advanced version of the walking lunge exercise is the lunge jump. For this exercise, you have to jump high into the air and then switch to your other foot in front of you before landing.

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Floral Pattern

4. Jumping Jacks

The jumping jack exercise, which is also known as the side-straddle hop, is a full-body workout that can be performed almost anywhere at any time since it does not need any specific training equipment.

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Floral Pattern

5. Mountain Climbers

Climbing mountains is hard. But what if mountains become flat? Basically, mountain climbers workout. This workout is recognized for increasing cardiac endurance and agility while working the whole body.

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Floral Pattern

6. Rope Jumping

Rope jumping, also known as skipping, is preferred by thousands of people over running because of its many benefits. It s comparatively easy to perform, burns a lot of calories, and it s fun indeed.

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Floral Pattern

7. Push-ups

Even though pushups may be tough for beginners they are one of the most common bodyweight exercises. They are best for building the upper body. It helps form the chest, shoulders, and triceps,

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Floral Pattern

8. Side Jackknife

The Side Jackknife is an excellent exercise for the quadriceps, in addition to being beneficial for the obliques and shoulders. Furthermore, it works the glutes as well as the hip flexors in addition to that.

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Floral Pattern

9. Russian Twist

To perform the Russian twist, sit on the ground with your knees up in a v position. Make sure to keep both your legs shoulder-width apart from each other. Now, twist from one side to another. Repeat it several times to train the body.