9 Core Strengthening Exercises Strength Coaches Love

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Plate Crunch

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Alright, it looks like I may be retracting what I said earlier in the piece. This is going to be more of an isolation exercise for the first major core strengthening exercise. 

Hydro Weight Kayaking

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The second exercise on this list is a low-impact workout that you may perform at home. This is going to be kayaking with hydro weights. 

Pass the Plate

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The third exercise on this list is designed to help athletes who play fast-paced sports like basketball or football by concentrating on overall coordination. When you begin a pass-the-plate exercise, your feet should be raised half a foot above the ground, similar to six inches. 

Dumbbell Chop

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The hydro weight chop is a circular exercise designed to assist relieve pressure on the lower back and strengthen the obliques. If you don't have a dumbbell or band on hand, you can perform this exercise with either one.

Barbell Cycling

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Keeping the weight above your body, aligning it with your torso, and riding just with your legs is the simplest approach to begin weighted cycling for your core. 

Glute Ham Ab Rotation

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The glute ham ab rotation is the sixth core strengthening exercise on our list, which will help you feel the burn for longer periods of time when under tension.

Ironklad Abs

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 For a more challenging variation of this core workout, you can elevate your lower back and butt off the bench while extending your legs vertically. 

Hanging Leg Raises

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Hanging leg raises, our seventh exercise for strengthening your core, are undoubtedly also familiar to you. If you're searching for a beginner core exercise that works the entire core, this is an excellent substitute for Ironklad abs. 

Dane s Fast Abs

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Dane's fast abs are the second-to-last core strengthening exercise you should be performing. This falls under the realm of dynamic trunk control and is a mainstay of Garage Strength programming.