Best Bedroom Plants for Low Light


Snake plants, which are also called Sansevieria, are famous because they are easy to care for and do well in low light. It has tall, strong leaves that range in color from dark green to white and green with spots.


Another well-known plant that does well in low light is the spider plant, which is also called Chlorophytum comosum. The leaves are long and thin, green with white lines, and can get up to two feet long.


Because it can do well in almost any light, the ZZ plant, or Zamioculcas zamiifolia, is a great choice for places with low light. It's a good choice because its dark green, shiny leaves are thick and waxy.


Spathiphyllum, or the peace lily, is a beautiful plant that does well in low light. The leaves are big and shiny, and they can grow up to a foot long. The white flowers give your bedroom a splash of color.


The philodendron is a common houseplant that does well in places with little light. From the heart-shaped leaves of the philodendron scandens to green, thick leaves of this plant, there are many styles and colors to choose from.


Another name for the pothos is Epipremnum aureum. It is a spreading plant that does well in low light. It has heart-shaped leaves that range in color from full green to white and green with spots.

Ponytail Palm

Ponytail palms (Beaucarnea) are actually plants in the agave family. They are native to semi-desert parts of Mexico. Their trunks can get bigger and look like the foot of an elephant when they store water in them.