How Do I Know If I Have Sensitive Skin?

Your Skin Easily Flushes

Whether due to rosacea or a response to substances, sensitive skin often turns red. Very sensitive skin typically reacts this way. Those with occasional skin "sensitivity" to harsh substances aren't sensitive, but should avoid aggravating compounds.

You're Prone to Rashes and Bumps

Frequent rashes and small red spots indicate sensitivity. Patch test new items in a discreet location. Wait 24 hours before applying it to your face or body to check for a rash.

Beauty Products Sting or Burn

Your skin responds negatively to cleansers, moisturizers, foundations, and sunscreens. Sensitive skin has a weaker skin barrier, thus skin care products might hurt or burn. Avoid harsh substances and choose hypoallergenic, soft products for sensitive skin.

You Have Dry Patches

Eczema, a kind of dermatitis caused by a leaky skin barrier, causes dryness and irritation. Long-term dryness causes scaling and peeling. Over-the-counter treatments can assist moderate eczema, but topical steroids can aid chronic flare-ups.

Your Skin Feels Itchy

Excessive hot water washing can worsen itchy, tight skin. Use a mild cleanser and ceramide-packed moisturizer at moderate temperatures.

You're Sensitive to UV Rays

You get flushed and beet-red after going outside without a hat or sunscreen. Photosensitivity can produce facial, arm, and chest rashes. Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are better for sensitive skin than synthetic sunscreens, so use one with SPF 30 or higher.

 You Have Broken Capillaries

Broken capillaries, microscopic blood veins near the skin, are common on the nose and cheeks. Thin, delicate skin with fewer protective layers is more likely to break capillaries.