The 10 Best Legs Exercises for Beginners

Swiss Ball Wall Squat

"This exercise teaches you correct squat form without risking the chance of injury [from squatting heavy]," Lowe says. Keep your weight in your heels at all times

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Split Squat

"This exercise trains your legs to work independently without fully challenging your balance since both feet remain grounded," Lowe says. Hold kettlebells or dumbbells if it's too simple.

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"This exercise strengthens all the muscles in your legs and challenges balance as well," adds Lowe. "An added perk: You indirectly work your core by keeping your torso upright when you step up."

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Bulgarian Split Squat

Physical therapists frequently utilize the deceptively challenging Bulgarian split squat to strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee and the medial quadriceps. By working your legs unilaterally

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Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl

One of the greatest workouts for toning your hamstrings is this one. A strong burn will start to feel nearly instantly. "The hamstrings are often neglected in training, but it's one of the most important muscles to train for injury prevention,"

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Dumbbell Deadlift

"The deadlift is one of the best lower-body strengtheners, but using a barbell when you're first learning heightens your risk of injury," explains Lowe. You can work on your form and strengthen your "posterior chain"

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Banded Lateral Walk

"Training your lateral stabilizers is something most people overlook, but it's essential to getting stronger in other lifts and preventing injuries,"

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Calf Raises

"This basic exercise strengthens the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles that make up your calf, and puts a positive stress on the Achilles tendon,"

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Walking Lunges

"This is one of the most common leg exercises because it strengthens each leg individually, challenges your balance, and works all the muscles in your lower body,"

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Hack Squat

The ability to adjust foot placement is one of the main advantages of the hack squat, which is why fitness model Julian "The Quad Guy" Smith lists them among his signature leg exercises

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