The 6 Largest Komodo Dragon Ever

Naga: Naga was one of the largest Komodo dragons ever recorded, measuring over 10 feet in length and weighing approximately 366 pounds, making him a formidable predator in his habitat.

Lumpi: Lumpi was another massive Komodo dragon, measuring nearly 10 feet in length and weighing around 335 pounds, showcasing the impressive size and strength of these apex predators.

Komo: Komo was a formidable Komodo dragon, known for his massive size, measuring over 9 feet in length and weighing approximately 310 pounds, demonstrating the sheer power of these ancient reptiles.

Besi: Besi was one of the largest Komodo dragons ever documented, measuring over 9 feet in length and weighing around 308 pounds, highlighting the immense size and strength of these iconic predators.

Muk: Muk was a massive Komodo dragon, measuring over 9 feet in length and weighing approximately 290 pounds, showcasing the impressive size and predatory capabilities of these apex predators.

Raja: Raja was one of the largest Komodo dragons on record, measuring over 9 feet in length and weighing around 285 pounds, highlighting the immense size and strength of these formidable reptiles.