The 8 Techniques to make your sleep better


A regular quick stroll helps slim you and reduce nighttime wakings. Melatonin is enhanced by exercise. Just time your workouts. Overexercising before bed might be stimulating. Morning workouts in strong brightness boost the circadian rhythm.

Reserve bed for sleep

Calls, texts, and emails shouldn't be answered in bed. Also, avoid late-night TV there. The bed should encourage sleep, not wakefulness. Reserve your bed for sex and sleep.

Keep it comfortable

Bedroom distractions go beyond TV and your smart phone. Ambience also affects sleep. Make your bedroom cozy. A calm, dark, chilly atmosphere is ideal. All these factors induce slumber.

Start a sleep ritual

It helped you fall asleep when your mother read you a tale and put you to bed every night. Adult sleep routines can have a similar impact. Rituals assist the body and mind prepare for sleep. A glass of warm milk. Bathe. Relax with soothing music before bed.

Eat—but not too much

Grumbling stomachs and overfull bellies might keep you awake. Avoid eating a heavy meal two to three hours before bed. To stay full till morning, take a small nutritious snack like an apple with cheese or whole-wheat crackers before bed.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine

If you nibble before bed, avoid wine and chocolate. Stimulant caffeine is in chocolate. Alcohol works similarly, surprisingly. Though drowsy, it's a stimulant that affects nighttime sleep.


Your to-do list is enormous and bills are building up. Daytime anxieties might appear at night. Stress stimulates. It triggers sleep-inhibiting fight-or-flight hormones. Allow yourself to relax before bed.

Get checked

Sleep disrupters include restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea, and GERD cause leg movement, snoring, and stomach, chest, or throat pain.