These Are The 8 Types Of Snakes, Ranked By Danger Level

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

First up is the common Eastern diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus). Southeastern states including Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, and the Carolinas have a population.

Red-Bellied Snake

 Australia's wilds are home to some of the deadliest animals on Earth. However, Australia has the world's most poisonous snakes, making them dangerous. 

Mojave Rattlesnake

This may be understated. Mojave rattlesnakes, which live in the Mojave Desert in California and Nevada, Arizona, Texas, and Mexico, are diminutive, measuring little over 3 feet. Despite their little size, they are ferocious and poisonous.

Cottonmouth Moccasin

This seems improbable, however. Although its menacing appearance and tendency to show off its white lips when provoked, the Cottonmouth is timid around humans. It hisses and spits rather than bites. This makes them gentle compared to other species on this list.

Western Brown Snake

Western brown snake (Pseudonaja nuchalis) in Australia. Western browns are among the island's least poisonous snakes. Not harmful, but temperamental. Like red-bellied snakes, Western browns dislike humans. 

Eastern Brown Snake

The Eastern brown snake (Pseudonaja textilis) may be eastern Australia's most feared snake. Approximately two Australians die from it annually, according to News AU. Western brown snakes are quiet, whereas Eastern brown snakes are one of the most gregarious and aggressive.

Gaboon Viper

No snake has longer fangs than the gaboon viper. A gaboon viper bite is the deepest of any snake bite. These snakes are more dangerous since they are poisonous. Despite their fierce appearance, they don't threaten humans.

Death Adder

The death adder (Acanthophis antarcticus) is one of Australia's most lethal poisonous land creatures and appears like such. The death adder camouflages well with its triangular skull and exceptionally black or golden brown scales. These snakes ambush their victim by hiding before killing.